Our Impact
Our research-backed instructional model serves students at all levels of understanding, both inside and outside the classroom. In schools worldwide, we’ve seen our educators leverage technology to foster human connection, authentic learning, and social-emotional growth for all students.
Impact of Our Training On Teachers
Teachers in our Virtual Mentorship Program show significant growth in competency related to blended instruction, self-pacing structures, and mastery-based grading. They also articulate clear visions for how they will use technology to help their students learn.
Survey responses from 5,565 educators, all results significant (p<0.01).
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Impact of Our Instructional Model On
Teachers and Students
We followed a cohort of our trained teachers for one year following their training. Our analysis showed significant differences between Modern Classroom teachers and their peers, as well as Modern Classroom students and their peers at the same schools. Learn more by reading the full report.
Survey responses from 55 educators, January 2020, all results significant (p<0.01).
Click the image above to expand.
Survey responses from 1,929 students, January 2020, all results significant (p<0.01).
Click the image above to expand.
Impact On Sustainable Teaching
Our approach creates a lasting impact by addressing burnout and promoting well-being and resilience among teachers. During the 2020-21 school year, we surveyed educators at schools in three states. As a result of their experiences with Modern Classrooms, our teachers expressed more hope and optimism:
Our Featured Studies
Academic research confirms what Modern Classroom educators see every day: blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning greatly benefits students. We are committed to continuously evaluating our impacts on students, teachers, and schools nationwide. Explore our featured reports and literature reviews.

Our 2023 Annual Impact Report is here!
Download our 2023 Annual Impact Report to learn more about our research.
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