Research Toolkits

We want educators to understand the impact that their instructional strategies can have on student learning. Using research to guide your practice ensures you are supporting student academic and socio-emotional growth.

Teacher Research Toolkit

This toolkit includes beginning, middle, and end-of-year student surveys to measure students’ attitudes and beliefs throughout your Modern Classrooms journey and tools to help you analyze and visualize the data.

A teacher works with students in a small group.

Leader Research Toolkit

This toolkit includes resources to measure the impacts of the Modern Classrooms model on teachers, students, and systems within a school or district and the tools to help determine the types of support these stakeholders need.

Kareem Farah emphasizes a point while speaking with fellow educators.

We take student data privacy extremely seriously.  Because you create your own copies of these surveys, no one but you can access any of this data unless you share it. We hope this tool is helpful to you in understanding the impact of your Modern Classroom. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us.

Continue learning about the research behind the model