Understanding the Credentials Available Through Our Virtual Mentorship Program


Transforming your classroom is hard work.  For that reason, we believe that teachers who complete our Virtual Mentorship Program -- and design a full Modern Classroom unit plan in the process -- deserve the chance to earn credentials that certify their efforts and understanding.

With that in mind, graduates of our Virtual Mentorship Program are now eligible for:

★ Three (3) Graduate Credits from Trinity Washington University ($375).  These credits won't count towards a degree, but they do count towards teacher pay grades in many districts.  Learn more about Continuing Education at Trinity Washington University here.

★ Three (3) Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from George Mason University ($50).  In many states, CEUs -- which certify that a teacher has completed a certain number of hours of professional development -- are required for teachers to renew their licenses.  Explore CEU requirements by state, or learn more about the CEUs we offer.

★ Micro Credentials from Digital Promise (free).  Micro-credentials are competency-based digital certifications that verify an individual’s competence in a specific skill or set of skills.  We offer two separate credentials:

1) Planning for Modern Classroom Instruction: Demonstrate your ability to design blended, self-paced, mastery-based instructional materials by submitting a full unit plan.

2) Implementing Modern Classroom Instruction: Prove that you are successfully leading a Modern Classroom by submitting recent instructional materials, as well as samples of student work.

In many states, micro-credentials can also be used for teacher licensing. Learn more about digital micro-credentials, or explore micro-credential policies by state.  Note that, unlike CEUs and graduate credits, these micro-credentials are also available to anyone who completes our free course!

We know that you aren't here for the credentials -- but we hope they help reward you for the hard work that you do.


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