The Modern Classroom Blog
Resources, opportunities, and perspectives from the Modern Classrooms Team.
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3 Ways to Implement Self-Pacing from a Shelby County Educator
Toni Rose met with Ms. Pollard, a Shelby County educator who has a self-paced classroom, and discovered some of her best practices for shifting away from lectures to a self-paced classroom and here is what we learned.
3 Lessons from Baltimore Public Schools
Community Engagement Manager Toni Rose Deanon visited Baltimore City Public Schools this fall and walked away with so many great tips from BCPS educators, we just had to share!
3 Tips from Hoover City Classrooms
Community Engagement Manager Toni Rose Deanon visited Hoover City, Alabama this fall and walked away with so many great tips for educators, we just had to share!
Mastery-Based Teaching in Math
In this episode, Toni Rose Deanon is joined by Ylaiza Perez, a math educator implementing mastery-based teaching and learning strategies, to discuss teaching authentically and promoting true mastery.
Planning for Multiple Preps
In this episode, Zach Diamond is joined by Steve Schlarman to discuss the challenges of teaching multiple different courses simultaneously and some of the solutions Steve has discovered to ease them.
Automated Grading
In this episode, Monte Woodard is joined by Sarah Hower, who shared insights into her innovative approach to grading and feedback within a Modern Classroom.