Tech Tutorials

Modern Classroom educators use a variety of tools to blend instruction in their classrooms. Our teacher-created tutorials explain how to get the most out of several common platforms.

Please note:

  • Platforms change often, and our guides may not reflect the latest versions of these tools. Our goal is not to provide a comprehensive guide but to highlight general best practices.

  • There are many outstanding platforms that we don’t feature here. If a platform works for you, keep using it!

  • Each of the platforms highlighted below has extensive guidance online. If you have additional questions, you will likely find your answers.

We hope these resources are helpful for educators looking to implement or refine their blended teaching practice.

LMS Pro Tips

We encourage educators to use the LMS that their school or district provides. Here are our tips for popular platforms:

Video Recording/Enhancing Tools

To help choose a tool, see our guide to video recorders and our comprehensive comparison tool.


Also, here’s how to add subtitles to any video.

Interested in sharing a tool that you use? Complete our Request for Resources Form and we’ll be in touch!