Share Our Free Online Course with Your Teachers
We’ve seen schools and districts around the world transform their classrooms around blended, self-paced, mastery-based instruction by engaging collaboratively in our Free Online Course. If you’d like to support your teachers in building classrooms that respond to students’ academic and social-emotional needs, start by sharing this comprehensive free course!
Best Practice #1: Spread the Word, and Give Choice
Let teachers reimagine their classrooms! Share our free course with all of your teachers so they can pursue their own professional learning. Here is what other leaders have done:
Send a school or district-wide email (sample language) to generate interest. Make sure to explain how the MCP model will align with your priorities and improve teacher and student experiences.
Show our explainer video in staff meetings and walk teachers through how they can make an account and get started, using our faculty meeting slide deck.
Post a link and information on your school’s or district’s LMS.
“When we discovered the Modern Classrooms Project, we immediately knew that this model had the power to transform education. We developed a slide deck that was heavily influenced by their website and promoted the program. Included in the slide deck were links to the MCP website and free course. We encouraged teachers to go through the course because we knew that once they saw it, they would be hooked. The course has completely transformed instruction for many of our teachers.”
- Matt Pletcher, Director of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction
Best Practice #2: Carve Out Professional Learning Time
If you really want all your teachers to understand our model, give them dedicated time to engage in the professional learning necessary. We suggest dedicating 3-5 hours of professional development time for educators to immerse themselves in our course. Each educator will earn a certificate of completion and leave with actionable strategies for classroom transformation. Many leaders have leveraged our free PLC resources to help educators at their school build responsive classrooms.
How Can We Help?
To support you in this journey, we can:
Grant you administrative access to our free course platform, where you can observe your educators’ progress through our course. For admin access, please complete this form.
Lead webinars for your teachers to explain our model and free course. Watch past webinars.
Create customized outreach materials to make sharing our course quick and easy.
A few committed educators can transform teaching and learning across an entire school or district community. Empower your educators through our free course today!