Certified Credentials

Upon completion of our Virtual Mentorship Program, educators are eligible to receive:

Graduate Credits from CSU Pueblo ($80/credit).

Educators may choose between:

  • Two degree-granting credits ($160), which can count towards a Master of Education Degree at CSU Pueblo.

  • Three non-degree credits ($240), which count towards pay increases in many districts, but do not count towards graduate degrees.

Continuing Education Units (CEUs) from George Mason University ($50). 

In many states, CEUs are required for teachers to renew their licenses. (CEUs do NOT provide college credit.)  For completing our Mentorship Program, educators can receive 4.5 CEUs.

George mason university logo

Digital Promise Micro-Credential: Planning for Modern Classroom Instruction (free). 

This competency-based digital certification verifies that an educator can successfully plan a blended, self-paced, mastery-based unit of study. In many states, micro-credentials can also be used for teacher licensure and/or license renewal.

Questions about credentials?