Reading, writing, communication, and problem-solving skills are fundamental skills that learners need to have to be successful in their learning journey. CommonLit operates a free library with over 3,000 lessons for students in grades 3-12 that come complete with planning tools for teachers and accessibility tools for students. The library includes supplemental texts about a wide variety of topics and themes, as well as longer-term planning resources. Modern Classrooms Project has teamed up with CommonLit to share how this tool can support your blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning environment.
Join Toni Rose Deanon, Modern Classrooms Project's Community Engagement Manager, Allie Liotta, CommonLit's Associate Director of School Partnerships, and Dorothy Hodges, CommonLit's School Partnerships Manager to explore how you can use CommonLit to provide access to deeper understanding of topics taught. All attendees will receive a certificate for 30 minutes of professional learning, resources to make using CommonLit easier than ever, and tips for making your Modern Classroom work for you and your learners.