MCP aspires to transform education, one classroom at a time. Once you are familiar with the Modern Classroom model, you can lead change - in your school, community, and beyond - by sharing its benefits with students, families, administrators, and colleagues. You can also contribute to the larger conversation around education… and you should! The world needs more empowered educators.
In this session, you will learn to:
Share Modern Classrooms with your school community, by explaining their benefits for students, families, and administrators.
Empower your colleagues, by sharing your approach and inviting feedback and support.
Shape the larger conversation, by advocating for policies you know are best for your students.
By the end, you’ll know how you can contribute to a movement that aims to meet every learner’s needs.
More from the Author & Expert, Robert Barnett
Modern Classrooms co-founder Robert Barnett wrote a book! In Meet Every Learner’s Needs, he explains how he developed the Modern Classroom instructional model in his classroom in Washington, D.C. - and provides simple steps that any educator can follow to help all their students succeed. The book features practical guidance, research on the model’s impacts, and insights from more than forty Modern Classroom educators worldwide.
Get a sneak peek into the book that dives deeper into the Modern Classrooms model, learn directly from the author, and get entered to win free signed copies!