We appreciate you!

As a teacher-led nonprofit whose mission is teach empowerment, the Modern Classrooms Project tries to appreciate educators like you every single day.  Today, I want to highlight a few things for which we're especially grateful -- and the concrete things we're doing to say thanks.


1) You help us improve.  This spring, over 1,000 educators like you have completed our surveys, letting us know what we're doing well and how we can do better.  Your feedback is invaluable for us!  To honor your time, we're giving out over $6,000 in teacher prizes, from scholarships to iPads to Amazon gift cards.  Follow us on social media (@modernclassproj) this week as we announce our lucky winners...

2) You share your insights and experiences.  In our Facebook Group, almost 5,000 of you trade tips and advice on a daily basis.  For our Teacher Resources page, you build exemplar units, record webinars, and appear on our podcast. And in a wide variety of publications, you explain what you do and why you do it.  To celebrate your expertise, we're sharing what you've taught us with the world, from administrators and policymakers to the next generation of Modern Classroom educators worldwide. 

3) You lead the movement.  Thousands of you have accessed and used our free PLC guides, shared our work on social media, or recommended our free online course to your colleagues.  To empower you as leaders, we're continuing to update and refine these resources every day, so that you have the tools you need -- free now and forever -- to transform teaching.  


You are the engine that drives Modern Classrooms forward, and we wouldn't exist without you.  We appreciate you more than we can say!


Modern Classrooms for Advanced Learners


What would real teacher appreciation mean?