Resources to welcome new families to your Modern Classroom

It’s finally here. 2021. As we start a new year and a new semester, it’s important to set our students up for success by establishing expectations, forging connections, and building trust. Part of equipping students for success is communication with parents and guardians about how their child can thrive in your Modern Classroom. Blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning is new for many of our students and the loved ones who support them, so it’s important to proactively explain how our classrooms operate and how learners can truly benefit from this student-centered approach to instruction. Families are our best resources, and students benefit when schools recognize the value a student’s community brings to their school experience.

Getting families involved

We’ve compiled examples of written introductions, images, and research excerpts that teachers can use to welcome new families in course syllabi, course websites, Learning Management Systems, or introduction emails. These can be helpful as we kick off a new semester or throughout the year, as individual students join our classes. As always, you can direct families to The Modern Classroom Project website, where they can learn even more about how our research-based instructional model can serve their child.


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