Measure Your Modern Classroom’s Impact

Whether you're going to implement a full Modern Classroom this year or simply planning to record a few videos, you're probably wondering: will these practices be good for my students?

This is a question we've tried our best to answer since we launched in 2018.  And we've found that our practices do make a difference: in three consecutive years of program evaluation, we and our research partners have found statistically significant positive effects on both students and teachers.

Of course, every classroom is different!  So, what has worked for the teachers and students whom we've studied may not work for you.  Here are a few things that you can do this year to understand whether our approach is making a positive impact in your classroom:


1) Use our Research Toolkit.  Borrow our validated survey questions to measure your students' growth from the start of the year.  This free resource contains two surveys for you to copy, as well as a spreadsheet that will do all the analysis for you.  Watch Dr. Annie Cole, our Director of Research, explain how it all works.

2) Perform a mini-experiment.  Once your students have gotten accustomed to blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning, go back to traditional instruction for a few days, and see how your students respond.  Are they more or less engaged?  Does their work show more or less understanding?  This simple exercise can often be profound.

3) Conduct a formal study.  If you happen to have a research background, there are lots of ways you can contribute to our understanding of this model's impacts.  Learn how you can conduct research with MCP, and contact us to discuss further.


Keep in mind that this research isn't for us -- it's for you!  It doesn't need to be shared with anyone else.  Whatever you find, we hope that it helps you better respond to your students' needs.


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