Important Knowledge for Educators: AED Training

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Toni Rose, Community Engagement Manager at the Modern Classrooms Project, is joined by Michael Riggs, EMT paramedic and a cardio partners enterprise account manager, to discuss the impact and importance of having an AED training program in schools.

An AED being set up for use in a practice space.

Modern Classrooms educators are leaders in their school communities. As such, we want to provide you with the information that can keep you and your students informed and safe. Every year, thousands of children have fatal results from suffering sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) while at school. However, many of these deaths could be prevented with an automated external defibrillator (AED) on school premises. In this episode, Michael Riggs shared three reasons why you should seek out AED training this fall.

School staff are usually the first responders

Because educators work directly with students, they are usually first on the scene during an emergency. When EMT services are called, they can walk you through providing primary care until EMT services can arrive on the scene and take over. This means you could be expected to provide care for many minutes in an emergency until help can arrive. Many schools will train the athletic staff, but not their other teachers, which could leave you in an emergency not knowing how to help.

The training is quick and easy

This training can take a couple of hours but can be coupled with first aid. There is a wide variety of training options for you individually or for your whole school.

You’ll learn transferrable skills

Did you know that 70% of cardiac arrests happen at home? The skills you learn can save the life of a loved one. This information is important - the more we know the more we can do and help. MCP listeners can use code MCP10 for 10% off for all AED product at

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