Modern Classrooms Project

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The Ultimate Learner Experience

What defines the best learning experiences?

The answer varies from teacher to teacher.  But I'd guess that most teachers envision classrooms in which their students:

     ★ feel engaged and motivated to learn,
     ★ take ownership of their progress, and
     ★ produce meaningful work, of which they are proud.

This isn't easy, and there isn't one right way to achieve it.  But one of our Expert Mentors has found a way to combine Modern Classrooms and project-based learning to design learning experiences that put students in the driver's seat, and inspire them to develop critical academic skills.  Read below to discover Kristen's method, and learn how it might work for you: 

Modern Project-Based Learning

Prefer to watch or listen?  See our webinar on PBL, or catch Episode 32 of our podcast.