Modern Classrooms Project

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Tech Tool Highlight: Screencastify

Welcome to the Modern Classrooms Project Podcast. Each week we bring you discussions with educators on how they use blended, self-paced, and mastery-based learning to better serve their learners. In this episode, Toni Rose Deanon is joined by Vishal Shah, CEO of Screencastify, to talk about how teachers, students, and industry professionals use Screencastify's various platforms and tools.

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They emphasize the challenges and opportunities faced by educators today. Educators are overwhelmed by administrative tasks, declining enrollment, and the need to differentiate instruction for students with a wide range of abilities. These challenges are compounded by the ongoing effects of COVID-19.

Here are three key takeaways from this podcast episode:

  • Communication and Collaboration are Essential: Screencastify is being used by educators to create instructional videos and share best practices with colleagues (as discussed by Toni Rose Deanon). This highlights the importance of communication and collaboration among teachers.

  • Empowering Educators Through Technology: Technology can empower educators by allowing them to connect with students beyond the four walls of the classroom. This could involve connecting a student with a teacher who is a specialist in that student’s heritage language. “We have technologies. We have our internet now. So why don't we create spaces for folks who really connect,” says Toni Rose, emphasizing the potential of technology to facilitate connections between educators.

  • Prioritizing User Privacy and Security: Data security and user privacy are paramount, especially when dealing with minors. Screencastify prioritizes these concerns by working with third-party certifiers to ensure compliance with FERPA and COPPA.

Discussion questions for PLC and PD: 

  • Considering the challenges faced by educators today (e.g., managing diverse student needs, collaborating with colleagues), how can technology be leveraged to create a more efficient and effective learning environment for both teachers and students? What are some specific tools or strategies you have found helpful?

  • The summary mentions the potential for technology to connect students with teachers beyond the physical classroom, even across geographical boundaries. How can this approach be used to address the specific needs of your students and personalize their learning experience?

  • Data security and user privacy are crucial when using technology in education. What questions do you have about data security compliance (FERPA, COPPA) when implementing new tools in your classroom? How can you ensure you are protecting your students' privacy while utilizing technology effectively?

Our Host

Toni Rose taught MS English for 10 years and will forever identify as a teacher. Toni Rose strives to be the teacher that they never had growing up, so they focus on anti-bias, anti-racist work and wants to create a brave space for everyone around them. As a queer Filipinx, they understand just how important it is to be represented, be valued, and belong. They especially love being a thought partner for and celebrating teachers.

Our Guest: Vishal Shah

Vishal Shah is a seasoned entrepreneur and an influential supporter of startups, currently serving as the CEO of Screencastify, a leading platform in video communication and learning. With a proven track record in the edtech space, Shah founded LearnCore, a company specializing in training and coaching sales professionals, which he led to a successful exit. This experience underscores his ability to identify market needs, develop innovative solutions, and lead companies through periods of significant growth and strategic acquisition.

Shah has leveraged his insights and expertise to support numerous startup companies. He co-founded Catapult Chicago (Merged with 1871) to contribute to the broader tech ecosystem and fostering innovation across various industries. His strategic acumen and dedication to advancing technology for educational and professional development are evident in his leadership at Screencastify.

At Screencastify, Shah is driving the company's mission to be the premier platform for learning and communication globally. Under his guidance, Screencastify is enhancing the way educators, students, and professionals capture, create, and distribute video content, making learning and communication more accessible and impactful worldwide.

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