Modern Classrooms Project

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You Are Part of Something Big

Here in the United States, our summer break is slowly winding down.  After several months preparing and delivering our Virtual Summer Institute, we are excited to start sharing -- in this space and others -- some of the new resources we've created and lessons we've learned from the amazing community of educators whom we have the privilege to serve.

Before we start doing that, however, I want to highlight a few of the countless inspiring interactions we've had this summer, with educators who are bringing Modern Classrooms to students across the globe.  So far this summer, I have been fortunate enough to:

  • Listen to a fantastic podcast by two middle school teachers in Australia, who took our free course and have since turned their school into a laboratory of classroom innovation.

  • Collaborate with a music teacher in Colombia, who helped us translate our free course into Spanish and French, as well as teachers in Germany, Israel, and the Netherlands who are helping us do the same.  

  • Support Distinguished Modern Classroom Educators in India, Switzerland, and Tunisia, some of whom are now empowering their colleagues by serving as Expert Mentors.

  • Share our presentation decks and PLC materials with educators in Argentina, Ecuador, England, Fiji, Ghana, Israel, Kenya, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the United Arab Emirates.

On a personal note, I am both inspired and motivated by educators every day -- inspired by all that they do to support their students, and motivated to empower them in responding even more effectively to every student's needs. 

In our global Modern Classroom community, educators like these (and like you!) are truly leading the way -- and I speak for our entire team in saying that we feel grateful to watch all of you as you build a new future for education.  

If you're interested in exploring additional ways to lead our worldwide movement, please click the link below.  (And if you happen to speak another language and would like to help us translate our materials, please let us know!)

Explore Leadership Opportunities