Modern Classrooms Project

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Literature Review: A Review of the Elements of the MCP Educational Model

Educators today face a multitude of challenges, from student engagement and personalized learning to maximizing time and resources. Modern Classrooms Project offers a research-backed solution through its core tenets of blended, self-paced, and mastery-based instruction.

Research has shown that blended instruction, self-paced learning, and mastery-based learning all have a variety of positive effects on students and student learning (Torres et al., 2021) and are growing in popularity (Waite, 2021). Our newest literature review incorporates the latest research and showcases the growing body of evidence that supports the Modern Classrooms model. This review highlights research in the following areas:

  • Blended Instruction: The review explores the effectiveness of combining direct instruction with independent learning activities, including online components. Research on how blended learning can enhance student engagement, improve outcomes, and address diverse learning styles is presented.

  • Self-Paced Structures: The review examines the benefits of allowing students to progress at their own pace. It explores the impact on student motivation, mastery of content, and development of self-directed learning skills.

  • Mastery-Based Learning: This section delves into the power of mastery-based learning, where students must demonstrate understanding before moving on. The review explores how a focus on mastery fosters deeper learning, reduces performance anxiety, and promotes a growth mindset.

This research is valuable to educators who are looking to ground their instructional strategies in evidence-based practices and those who are seeking to advocate for innovative solutions within their school or district. We invite you to download your copy of the 2023 Modern Classrooms Project Literature Review today and explore the robust research that underpins our approach to education.

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