Modern Classrooms Project

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Bring Classroom Design to Life

Educators often ask us: "How should I organize my classroom to facilitate blended, self-paced, mastery-based learning?"

Fortunately, in answering this question, we are privileged to draw from one of the most dynamic communities anywhere -- our teachers!   As a teacher-driven nonprofit, we are proud to highlight (and learn from) the work of the educators we serve. 

In the latest episode of their YouTube show, Expert Mentor Monte Woodard and MCP Program Manager Toni Rose Deanon walk (virtually) through 8 Modern Classroom educators' physical and digital classrooms, showing how educators in a variety of settings manage classrooms that respond to every student's needs.  Check it out!

P.S. Want to explore these classrooms at your own pace?  Here's the slide deck that Toni Rose and Monte used for the presentation.