Modern Classrooms Project

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Ask MCP: Sharing This Model

I want to bring the virtual mentorship program to my school or district. How can I help more educators learn about this approach? - Ready to Grow

Dear Grow,

The Modern Classrooms Project approach is a grassroots movement driven by educators like you. The best information about MCP always comes from local leaders that have an understanding of how the model can help solve challenges and create opportunities for all students.

First, you can always welcome colleagues to check out the Modern Classrooms Project Free Course as they prepare to take the full Virtual Mentorship training. We even have tips for sharing the free course with fellow educators.

If you’re ready to move beyond just sharing a link, you can present to your colleagues or lead a PLC in your education community. Finally, if you want to lead in expanding the model in your district community, you can always talk with our partnerships team

We are thankful for your leadership and excited to impact even more students with your help!

Matthew Hickson
Director of Partner Transformation

Matt Hickson is a community organizer turned school leader. He believes in leveraging the power of education to build more joyful, purposeful, and just communities. In more than a decade of work in North Carolina, he has organized movements for education justice while serving his community both inside and outside of school buildings. Matt was the Durham Public Schools Beginning Teacher of the Year before becoming a principal and central services director. He currently serves as the Vice-Chair for the Board of Directors at Student U and the Chair for Equity Through Innovation for the DPS Foundation. While teaching, Matt joined with colleagues to advocate for the inclusion and affirmation of LGBTQ+ students in the school system. He co-founded the Bull City Schools Unity project to train staff and promote more affirming policies. This project trained thousands of educators and led to the passage of district-wide policy supporting trans and non-binary students. When not organizing and agitating, Matt is an avid Buffalo Bills fan and dog dad to his new puppy Archie. He currently resides in Boston, Massachusetts.

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