2018-21 Independent Program Evaluations

Between 2018 and 2021, Modern Classrooms Project contracted with Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Research and Reform in Education (CRRE) to perform comprehensive independent analyses of our survey data.


2018-2019 Survey Findings for Implementation

Eight teachers participated in the Modern Classrooms Project training prior to the 18-19 school year, and seven teachers implemented the model throughout the year. This report details their survey results prior to training, after one semester of implementation and after one year, in addition to the results from surveys of their collective 230 students.


2019-2020 Comparative Survey Findings

Surveys were administered throughout the school year to teachers and students in three public middle schools, six public high schools, and one public charter middle and high school across three local agencies in the mid-Atlantic region. This report details the results from both Modern Classroom teachers and their students and comparison teachers and their students.


2020-2021 Evaluation Results

This study used teacher survey data collected from three districts and two charter schools in the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. at the midpoint of the school year to determine whether Modern Classrooms educators reported more favorable outcomes than comparison teachers and students.



Dive deeper into the impact of the Modern Classrooms Project model.


Change Starts Every Day


2021 In Review